Profiling Python Code

Documentation for Python's standard profilers can be found here:

Running the Python Code under the profiler

To run your Python using the profiler run:

python -m cProfile -o yourscript.profile

replacing <yourscript> with the name of your script.

Exploring the profile output

To then explore the output of the profiler use pstats as so:

python -m pstats yourscript.profile

Using pstats

Useful pstats commands are:

  • help - to get help
  • strip - to strip paths from filenames
  • sort <key> - to sort the results by the key
  • stats <n> - to show the top n results
  • callers <pattern> - to show what called the pattern (where pattern could be a function name)
  • quit - to quit pstats

A typical first step would be to strip paths from filenames:


then sort by time:

sort time

and then see which functions are the top 10 by time spent:

stats 10

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Visualisation of results

You will need Graphviz:

Windows users can install graphviz as follows

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